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Ewe Hogg Name : Lizardie Date : 2008/11/23(Sun) 21:35 No.233 Italy, Russia
Once upon a time I decided to put everything in order in my "treasury" (the place where I keep my doll-making staff). Almost hopeless business, by the way. I noticed that two fabrics - light grey curly acrylic and dark grey wool go very well with each other. Actually, that time I planned to make quite another toy, but I was so exited by the harmony of the combination of these two fabrics, that I started to make this Ewe immediately (even gave up to make up my "treasury").

The height of the sheep is 15 cm. The hoofs are made from wood. She has got a tiny glass pendant. I really like her eyes. They are shining from "inside", from the very bottom. I managed to make them by myself. Frankly speaking, I found out the way of making such kind of eyes by accident.

The Ewe is a bit fat, but very tender with sweet expression of big shining eyes with long eyelashes.

File : 233.jpg (83KB)
Re: Ewe Hogg - Berna 2009/03/22(Sun) 02:13 No.258 South Africa
I’m very interesting about the “eyes”? What did you do to let it “shine from the inside”? And what patron did you used? I would love to make one myself. Thanks for sharing your talents with us.

Re: Ewe Hogg - Amanda 2010/04/18(Sun) 16:24 No.371 USA
Holy Mercy this is AMAZING!!

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