My first doll. Name : kinkaku Date : 2009/04/30(Thu) 18:48 No.260 Thailand This is my first cloth doll. Based on Tall Boy pattern, I resized some parts and I used many materials that I could find around my house. Thanks Runo for providing the pattern. File : 260.jpg (121KB) Re: My first doll. - Quercus Rubra 2009/05/02(Sat) 16:10 No.261 France
It was your first doll, and it is is very cute !!! how did you made his hair? I like the painting of his face... Congratulations!! Keep on making dolls... :) Re: My first doll. - kinkaku 2009/05/04(Mon) 16:51 No.265 Thailand For his hair, I used furry coth and did the same way as Inuyasha doll. *-* Re: My first doll. - Amanda Hardy 2009/08/14(Fri) 05:28 No.298 USA That's really good for your first time!!!! Re: My first doll. - Kenshinchan 2009/08/14(Fri) 12:31 No.300 USA He's really nice! I love his hair and his cute face. Re: My first doll. - Ayaa 2015/12/02(Wed) 19:13 No.619 UsQJXMk7a Harper and the blow-up doll appear in other phtoos online as well... Just do a search of Harper images... They are really getting their mileage out of that image, huh? Looking for them to Photoshop a pair of glasses and a blue cardigan on Harper next... |