Ichigo of Bleach Name : Quercus Rubra Date : 2008/09/21(Sun) 17:11 No.202 France This is another doll i've made, it's Ichigo of Bleach. I've made this one because i love "Shinigamis".This time i've also put a part of me inside... It was a piece of my soul... Ichigo was made whith a deviation of slim Santa's pattern. Tanks to Runo your are a great artist!!! File : 202.jpg (149KB) Re: Ichigo of Bleach - Maman 2012/01/02(Mon) 00:00 No.467
In memory of Charlie Re: Ichigo of Bleach - Katie 2012/05/12(Sat) 14:06 No.485 i love bleach! i'm trying to make a byakuya. do you have any tips? he's amazing by the way! Re: Ichigo of Bleach - quercus rubra 2014/10/16(Thu) 15:48 No.583 france Thank you very mutch Katie!! Re: Ichigo of Bleach - Jeff 2015/12/02(Wed) 19:36 No.622 Tc83NoUdce / Hey thanks for the like!! I will have pnelty of Bleach posts coming in the future.. I just added a new post for Bleach 351!! Check it out and let me know what you think!! |